Ok moms, this post is a desperate plea for encouragement. I am being TOTALLY spazzy about this. Adi is clearly ready to be potty training, but I'm not quite sure I'm ready to potty train her. I don't know if it is just that I am being lazy, if I am giving myself too many excuses, or if it might possibly be that it means that my baby isn't a baby any more. I really didn't think I would be like this at all, but here I am.
I kind of tried it the other day and we had a couple accidents (which is to be expected) and I gave up before nap time. When Lindsey and the kids were over here this morning she was all about it. Didn't want me to go in with her, took off her diaper, and even pooped on her own while they were here. She is like, "hello mom it's time."
So, I just need you all to say, get over it - she's ready! Time to potty train!!!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Potty Training!!!
Posted by Haight Happenings at 3:35 PM 5 comments
Saturday, June 25, 2011
28 Weeks
I am feeling a lot better this week. Ever since I got back from Phoenix I have felt very run down. I think it took be about a week to recuperate from our busy schedule and so much traveling. I have had a rash the last week and half or so (PUPP). It seems to come and go, but aside from that I am feeling pretty good. He is moving around so much now and it makes me feel great to know he is getting big and strong in there.
Dr. L said everything looked great on the ultra sound this week, and she thinks he is just going to be a big boy. He was measuring about 3lbs 3oz when I was in there this week. We got a couple 3D pics but they're not great.
What's going on this week:
During the 28th week of pregnancy, your baby wants to see what's going on in his environment.
- Your baby is about 10 inches long — roughly the length of an average zucchini. He weighs about 2 pounds.
- His brain develops and expands.
- Your baby may open his eyes in utero.
- More fat accumulates under his skin.
- He continues to take 20- to 30-minute naps with some routine.
The cord was floating around by his face, so they're not the greatest. Regardless I just love seeing pictures of our sweet little boy!!!

Posted by Haight Happenings at 9:10 PM 3 comments
Ikea Trip
We took a quick overnight trip to Cincinnati to buy some great storage stuff for Adi's new room. It is hard to resist when you're in that store. We made it back to Louisville last night and stayed down town. We ate a great dinner, swam, took a little walk, and we were all out for the night by 8:30. We'll have a lot of pictures to come of all the rooms. We have a new room for Adi and us too!
Posted by Haight Happenings at 9:01 PM 1 comments
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Diapie Update
If our wild little girl doesn't get her diaper "decorated" it makes for a long night. She is still sleeping in her diaper only. I've tried all different types of pj's, but I guess she prefers her birthday suit! Thank you for Duck Tape!!!
Posted by Haight Happenings at 9:47 PM 3 comments
Monday, June 13, 2011
Thursday, June 9, 2011
We have a problem here...
... that's right our daughter likes to be naked!
I went in to check on her last night and she had stripped down and pee'ed on the sheet. I dressed her and changed the sheets and thought it was a little funny.
Well, not so funny tonight. I put her down and took a quick shower. Not hearing anything on the monitor had me thinking. She is usually in there being Miss Chatty Kathy before she falls asleep. I checked on her and she was naked again. I walked in and told her that was not ok. She needed to stay dressed when she went to sleep. She proceeded by laughing at me. I'm happy it is quite comical to someone. I told her she was not to take off her clothes in my most stern voice, kissed her good night, and listened until she fell asleep. I heard her in there chatting to herself another 10 to 15 minutes, so I thought oh good she is getting settled down.
I just went into to check on her before I headed off to bed myself and this is what I found!
That's right folks - the duck tape WILL make an appearance tomorrow night!!!
We'll call her Houdini if she gets that sucker off tomorrow!
Posted by Haight Happenings at 9:23 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
We're HOME!!!!
Well, we are home!!! We made it back last evening. After being in AZ almost a month it was time to come home. It was so nice of my parents to have us for that long. That is a long time with an active toddler and an increasingly large and tired pregnant woman. We had a nice time visiting family and friends. Adi was little under the weather twice while we were there, but that is to be expected when you're dragging a little one all around the US.
We decided to jump right back into being home and busy today. We had a blast at Holiday World today with Lindsey and Olivia. We didn't bring the camera in, so we have two little pictures from the day. The girls had a blast and so did the moms! I tell you what though, I am BEAT. I can hardly walk and my back needs some serious heat therapy (I have the heat pad on it now). This pregnancy has been just exhausting for me! I guess the increased activity is just catching up with me.
I mustard up the energy to run out to my WILD garden just before sun down to grab some goodies for tomorrow's lunch! I'm telling you what this garden has LOVED all the fertilizer I put down this Spring. What I have here didn't even make a dent in how much I have. Anyone need any spinach, swiss chard, or sugar snap peas come on over!
It is nice to be home and to get caught up. I am missing my husband so much. My heart just aches to have my Bran back at home with us! I don't know what it is, but every trip seems to get harder for both of us. I am just counting down the days until he is back. In the mean time I will stay busy and try to catch of couple zzzz's while I still can. :)
Posted by Haight Happenings at 9:05 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Sunbathing Beauty

Posted by Haight Happenings at 3:03 PM 3 comments