I am feeling a lot better this week. Ever since I got back from Phoenix I have felt very run down. I think it took be about a week to recuperate from our busy schedule and so much traveling. I have had a rash the last week and half or so (PUPP). It seems to come and go, but aside from that I am feeling pretty good. He is moving around so much now and it makes me feel great to know he is getting big and strong in there.
Dr. L said everything looked great on the ultra sound this week, and she thinks he is just going to be a big boy. He was measuring about 3lbs 3oz when I was in there this week. We got a couple 3D pics but they're not great.
What's going on this week:
During the 28th week of pregnancy, your baby wants to see what's going on in his environment.
- Your baby is about 10 inches long — roughly the length of an average zucchini. He weighs about 2 pounds.
- His brain develops and expands.
- Your baby may open his eyes in utero.
- More fat accumulates under his skin.
- He continues to take 20- to 30-minute naps with some routine.
The cord was floating around by his face, so they're not the greatest. Regardless I just love seeing pictures of our sweet little boy!!!

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Oh my gosh! How exciting! Mike and I were looking at these and we think he looks just like Brandon! I can't wait to meet our new little nephew!
He does look like Bran - I wonder if he will be able to do the "Elvis" lip? :) So glad you're doing well.
I'm glad you're feeling better. Hope we can all get together again soon!
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