Ok moms, this post is a desperate plea for encouragement. I am being TOTALLY spazzy about this. Adi is clearly ready to be potty training, but I'm not quite sure I'm ready to potty train her. I don't know if it is just that I am being lazy, if I am giving myself too many excuses, or if it might possibly be that it means that my baby isn't a baby any more. I really didn't think I would be like this at all, but here I am.
I kind of tried it the other day and we had a couple accidents (which is to be expected) and I gave up before nap time. When Lindsey and the kids were over here this morning she was all about it. Didn't want me to go in with her, took off her diaper, and even pooped on her own while they were here. She is like, "hello mom it's time."
So, I just need you all to say, get over it - she's ready! Time to potty train!!!
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
3 days ago
Get over it! She's ready! Time to Potty Train! ;)
Only one child in diapers... PRICELESS!!!!!!
It's *glorious* to have the first good and out of diapers before the second arrives. :) If she's ready, GO TO IT! :)
I feel this way at every new stage. Part of me is sad to see my "baby" growing up and also happy to see what new things he can do. A big step for Adi and a big step for Mom, too. You will both do fine :)
You can do it Ali! :) Adi is a smart little cookie, she'll catch on in no time. Sounds like the already has! Good luck!!
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