I am officially full term and counting down the days until our little man is born! I honestly am feeling very ready to have him. I want to be ready and healthy when he comes out, but I am having all kinds of wonderful pregnancy symptoms here at the end. We had an appointment and an ultra sound today and this is what we know thus far.
- I am 3 centimeters dilated and starting to thin out.
- Dr. L clearly and easily felt the babies head today - she said he is very low.
- He is weighing in at at least 6 lbs 9 oz. Adi was 6 lbs 10 oz when she was born.
- She predicts I will go in the next two weeks. She really does not think I will make it to my scheduled induction date of September 7th.
So, make a post and take a guess as to when this "little" guy will be born and how much he will weigh! These two pictures aren't great - he is very squished in there right now!
Last night my wonderful Bible study friends threw me a "sprinkle". We had a wonderful, peaceful dinner out without kids at Biaggi's, and it was topped off with delicious frozen yogurt from Orange Leaf. I am beyond blessed to have such wonderful Godly women in my life to celebrate this exciting time!!!
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
3 days ago
I'll guess Aug 30th!
ok I'm going to say
August 23rd
7lbs 1oz
I'll guess Aug 25th
time ???
7lbs 12oz
I guess Aug 27th
7lbs 10oz
I want August 24th! 7 lbs 4 oz.
Gigi wants this baby born on Sept 7th as anticipated!!
I am guessing that he will come on Miss Karen's B-Day, Aug. 28th. We will see. Stay put pardner!!
Aunt Kiki is guessing August 25th, 8 lbs 3oz!
Aunt Jen guesses August 29th at 7:15pm weighing 8lbs...hope it's before then, for your sake. ;-) Sending all our love!
Mike guesses September 3rd and he'll be 6 lbs 14 oz when he's born. I'm guessing August 28th and he'll be 6 lbs 11 oz when he's born. We can't wait!!
Im guessing Sept 1st and he will be 7 lbs and 7oz. Can't wait to see the little guy =)
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