Life hasn't been super exciting around here the last week or so. I am just very ready to have this little man, so we have been staying pretty close to home. It's getting harder and harder to do to much.
Brandon has recently gotten a new Bridgeport Mill and Adi LOVES to go out with daddy to push all the buttons on it. It was about a week ago when he explained the "blue" buttons were actually Digital Read Out buttons. He literally told her once what DRO stood for. After church on Sunday we went out to lunch with our friend Jason and they got to talking about the mill. Brandon asked her what the blue buttons (DRO) stood for and without skipping a beat she looked at him and said Digital Read Out like it was no big deal. We were shocked that she remembered what it stood for. She, without a doubt, has her father's magnificent memory!
We have also had quite a bit of frogs in our back yard lately and Adi loves to hunt for them with Bran. She begs him to get them out of the crawl space opening, but once they're out she does NOT want to touch them. She love watching them hop away.
Exciting times here at the Haight household ha?! Hopefully one of my next few posts will be welcoming our little man!
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
3 days ago
ohhh the little Adder is getting so big! She is quite the daddy's girl.. Hopefully she is ready to be a big sister too!
Miss Adi:
Please save some froggies for Gigi. I would love to help you catch them!!
Good - let Gigi touch them! I'm with you Adi..I'll watch them hop away :)
I love the story about the DRO :) Amazing the things she remembers.
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