The last two nights Adi has slept in her new big girl bed. She has done great with this transition as well. She is definitely resisting naps some days, so this new bed makes napping a little more challenging. Grandma Haight is making her some pretty sheets for her new bed. We'll have it all made up and pretty in no time. My little baby is getting so big!
I was to afraid of waking her up, so this isn't a great picture.
My sweet little "nakey" thing just waking up. (And yes, she is still taking off her pj's and clothes when she goes to sleep) She is always dressed before bed, and I will continue to dress her. It is going to be a chilly winter if she keeps this up. :)
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
3 days ago
I am very impressed with the Naney flip (sorry if thats spelled incorrectly). She's good! :)
Nice big girl bed!
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