Where is the time going? I can't even believe he is already 3 months old. I am thoroughly enjoying my sweet little baby. I am so happy that I am much calmer and confident this time around. God blesses us with the most amazing and miraculous gift that could ever be given and the only way to respond is to be truly thankful!
Sleep - This "little" guy is still sleeping in his swing! Ha, in the past I would be freaking out. Now, I figure I'll get him out of there pretty soon. He is basically almost too big to be in there. So, when Brandon gets back from Japan I will transition him into the crib. It really shouldn't be too bad. I'm up three times a night still anyway. It is kind of funny, I should be pretty sleepy throughout the day, but most days I do just fine. I think it is more of a mind set thing with your second. I don't have the choice to nap with a spunky little two and half year old running around, so I think you more easily make do on very little sleep. He is sporadically napping in the bouncer, car seat, or crib during the day. He is awake most of the day and only naps maybe two to three hours during the day. I'm not worried at all about the sleep. I know that within the next few months his sleep will be more routine (and he'll be old enough for me to allow him to cry it out a bit more).
Eating - Abram is a great little eater and growing like a champ. He eats every two to three hours during the day and goes a good five hours stretch at bed time. He is going to sleep at 7:00 and absolutely can not stay up any longer. It seems like most babies his age stay up later, but I just can't seem to get him to do that. If I could I would get a longer stretch of sleep for myself but oh well, that will come. Aside from my crazy four bouts of Mastitis (read the post above for more details on that craziness) my man is a champion eater.
Milestones - He is talking a lot more this month. I just can't get enough of all the little oohs, goos, and squeals. This isn't really a milestone but it just stinkin amazes me that he is wearing 6-9 month clothes. I guess I am comparing him to Adison - big difference. He had his first trip to urgent care. When we all got sick his temp spiked a bit for someone his age. They thought he might have RSV, but after a quick swab that was ruled out.
Here are a few pictures of our little man at 3 months. Enjoy.
Such a happy baby!
This picture shows how long and big he is getting.
Rosy little cheeks :)
There is nothing better then his BIG open mouth smile!
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
2 days ago
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