Height - 26.5 inches (? percentile)
Weight - about 15 lbs 6 oz ( ? percentile)
Sleep - Well, well, well, what can I say about sleep? I can say that I'm not getting all that much of it. :) All of these transitions within the first year make it difficult to really follow through with much of anything. I am handling the lack of sleep much better with this little guy. I think I finally have convinced myself that these sweet little babies are one before you know it, so I am really trying to enjoy all of it - whether that be 2:30 in the afternoon or in the middle of the night. But, for my records, he is going down about 8ish, he is walking about 11:15. I am trying to hold out on nursing him until after midnight. Once I feed him once through the night he is up every 2 hours until morning. He is out of his swaddle sack since he flipped to his belly twice now while swaddled. A friend of mine let me borrow a magic sleepsuit to try and transition him out of the swaddle. Unfortunately, he seems to really hate it. The poor little guy just doesn't want to sleep unless he is swaddled! It is strange he acts like he is ready to get up for the day at 6:00, but if I nurse him and lay him in the middle of our empty bed he falls asleep immediately. Oh well, we'll get to the sleeping through the evening eventually. I got the rest of my life to sleep right?! :)
Eating - He is nursing about ever 3 hours and doing it pretty quickly. He is much more interested in everything else this month. Keeping on and focused seems to be a bit more of a challenge. I introduced apples yesterday and he LOVED them. We are well on our way to eating solids!
Milestone - He is rolling a lot and honestly is showing signs of wanting to start crawling. My little baby - please stop! You're doing these big boy things too quickly! He is really wanting to sit up a lot right now. He is just more and more interactive. He thinks it is hilarious when I sneeze and when we play peek-a-boo. What a JOY you are Abram!!!
That smile just melts my heart!
Rocking and rolling
His first time eating his apples.
Waking up in mommy and daddy's bed.
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
3 days ago
He does have such a sweet face. It could melt anyone's heart!
I'm sorry you haven't had much luck with the sleep suit! I was hoping it would have worked as well for you as it did for us. :(
I LOVE that picture of him rolling!
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