My pink themed post starts with pink eye! YUCK...Adi got pink eye on Saturday night. Her poor little face looked horrible, but I tell you what she was quite a little trooper. She didn't even seem to mind that her eyes were matted shut. It took a couple days for them to heal. Brandon took Adi and I took Abe. I hesitate to even write this, but we have seemed to prevent the spread of it to anyone else. A lot of Lysol, Clorox Wipes, serious amount of laundry, and raw hands have seemed to work. We spent Sunday just laying around since we were highly contagious. Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Haight we enjoy enjoyed the new Pooh movie!
The next pink pictures are Valentines Day. I really tried to get pictures of the kids in their cute little Valentines outfits, but life happened. Abe has carrot spit up on his shirt, and Adi was covered with pink icing when we were finished decorating cookies! All-in-all a very successful Valentines day!
Adi has been saying some pretty funny things here lately. This has nothing to do with this post, but I want to remember a few of the cute things Adi is saying right now.
Adi's two year old little language:
Koala Bear aka Walla Bear
Chocolate aka Choclick
Raisins aka Roasins
Gummy Worms aka Jiggly Worms
Even though we're stuck in doors and the kids seem to be sick often life couldn't be any sweeter right now! <3
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
3 days ago
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