Today was a GREAT day. I decided to make an entire morning of it with the kids, and they did great. We ran all over the place, including the mall, and we all had a great time. I think it must have had something to do with the BEAUTIFUL weather. My spirits were high and just really felt happy all day - it is definitely contagious. When I really think about it, my grumpiness really spreads to the kids, which makes for a tough day for all of us. Days like today remind me to live each day like it is my last.
Here we are playing in the ALMOST 70 degree weather. Is it really February in the midwest?!
She told me repeatedly she was running to babies r' us!
Even Coop enjoyed basking in the sun!
She obviously put her own shoes and socks on (she doesn't understand the socks need to go under the pants)!
Loving being outside!
Thank you warm weather - I hope you're here to stay!!!
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
3 days ago
Can't get over how cute your kiddos are! We need some 70 degree weather in Denver! Maybe you will bring it with you next week.
I sure am glad you guys were lucky enough to get some warm weather & be able to get out of the house - looks like you guys had a lot of fun!
I miss you guys & can't wait to be home. I love you, Bran
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