Monday, May 7, 2012

Abram is 8 months!

8 month stats:
Height - 27 inches
Weight - 18 lbs

Sleep - Abram's sleep is still pretty inconsistent.  He hasn't been napping very well, which has led to very early bed times.  He's been going to sleep at about 6:15.  This is way too early and I am not a fan, but what do you do when they've only napped about an hour?!  I'm hoping to get the courage to let him cry in his crib for a little bit longer.  It's hard hearing my baby screaming in there.  He is only waking once to eat, but now that I am weaning that will have to drop off in this next month.  I know for a fact that he doesn't need the night feeding.  A definite advantage to bottle feeding (I know how much he is getting throughout the day!)

Eating - We recently have weaned.  I started weaning Abe last week and am already finished.  The only time I am nursing him is at 5:00am.  He is going back to sleep after that feeding until about 7:00am.  I am feeding him 6oz five times a day.  He is a happier baby and I am a happy mommy because I know exactly what my hungry little guy is getting.  I am feeding him breakfast and dinner for sure and sometimes some yogurt at lunch.  He gets little snacks of puffs and yogurt melts one other time throughout the day.  I feel really good about our recent transition. 

Milestone - This has been a big month for Abe with many first milestones.  He is now in the big boy bath with Adi (and loving it and crawling all over in there), weaning from breast, can pull himself up to standing position, the most sad milestone is that he is starting to cruise.  I can't believe how quickly this little man is moving.  

I thank God every day for blessing us with this super sweet little man. 

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A Steiner Story said...

ABE!! He is too cute! Happy 8 Month Birthday! BTW - I LOVE the naked baby pictures - the sitting picture is my favorite!

Grammy said...

He is so precious :) Thought you might enjoy knowing his daddy's stats around that time, I had a record of his 9 month check-up and Brandon was 28 1/2" and 19lb 12oz; looks like Abe is following daddy's growth pattern. Love these pics!

Harris Family said...

OMG I just love those baby legs!!

Lindsey said...

Chunky butt! He'll love looking through your blog book in 10 years and seeing that picture! haha very cute!

Leigha said...

Oh my goodness, LOVE the naked baby photos!