Thursday, June 14, 2012

Abram is 9 months!

9 month stats:
Height - 28 inches (38th percentile)
Weight - 19 lbs 12 oz (34th percentile)

Sleep - FINALLY - Abram is consistently sleeping through the night!!  He goes down for the night at about 6:30 and is up for the day at 5:30.  I would love to get him on a little bit of a later schedule, but he'll get really screwed up in a couple months and won't be back on a consistent schedule until the end of the year any way.  He isn't the greatest napper, but a full night sleep is well worth it.  He naps for about 45 minutes in the morning and I'm lucky if he takes an hour and a half nap in the afternoon.

Eating - Abram is taking 5 six oz bottles a day.  I think he would drink 7 oz on some of those feeds as well.  He isn't eating any more baby food and is doing wonderfully.  He is basically eating everything we eat.  He loves any veggie that is roasted and loves watermelon. 

Milestone - Abram went to his first car show this past month, and pretty much slept through the entire thing.  He is waving hello and good bye.  He is babbling a ton, but nothing really purposeful yet.  

Abram is such a joy.  It is so easy to tell when he's not feeling well, because aside from being sick or getting teeth he is such a happy baby.  He's really started to develop quite the little personality this past month.  He knows when he is being naughty and stops, looks at you and laughs.  This little guy has the GREATEST belly laughs imaginable.  I am so blessed to get to hear them everyday!  He is such a joyful boy and we just ADORE you Abram!!!

LOVES playing with Adi's tool bench!

Our egg chair from IKEA is a big hit in the house right now (for both of them).

Watching Adi and Abe play in the tunnel cracks me up.  Adi screams when he gets those chubby little legs moving towards her.  He already has learned what pushes her buttons.  (I tried to get a picture of one of the times that he stole Larry from her.  Oh the delight on his face is priceless).

Seriously, totally out eats Adi already!

His top four teeth are coming down now.  If it is in front of his face - it is in his mouth!

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Lindsey said...

What a cutie!! Love this little guy :) And his belly laughs are the best!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! The 2nd to the last picture is so precious!! What a handsome little guy. Can't wait until I get to meet him. Hopefully before he gets too much bigger.