Friday, June 29, 2012

The "Cooker"

It's my little cooker.  Adi has been talking a lot about wanting to be a cooker - I can't make anything anymore without her wanting to help (which is a good thing - just takes a little longer to get it together).  I told her we were going to make pizzas on Friday.  She has been looking forward to it!  We made everything ourselves.  Except for the cheese - I am thinking about trying to buy some raw milk to try making some mozzarella, yogurt, and buttermilk.  I know a couple of people who have started buying it and LOVE it.  She's been helping so much in the kitchen and has been loving it, so I took pictures of the entire process as more of a little milestone for myself (very picture heavy)!

Making the whole wheat dough

She loved watching the yeast get foamy

Done!  Time to wait.

Second rise - I missed a pic of the first rise.

Rolling out her and Abe's pizza.

Pesto pizza for mommy and daddy.

I told her she could put whatever she wanted on her and Abe's side of the pizza.  She wanted squash and little cherry tomatoes from the garden (she didn't want me to cut them - she just plopped them on there).

Finished product.

Happily eating her masterpiece.  I tell you what - it takes a lot more time to get dinner together when she helps, but she really does eat so much better when she has some ownership in the meal.  She ate her entire meal - and it was a pretty big piece of pizza.  That is impressive for Adi.  I love it that she likes cooking.  I'm happy I'm able to teach her!

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Leigha said...

So fun! Just curious--Is the sale of raw milk legal in Indiana? I also have a few friends in another state who buy it and love it. They actually buy a share of a cow and get a gallon of milk delivered each week.

Haight Happenings said...

I'm pretty sure it isn't technically legal in large amounts in IN for human consumption. I think you can only purchase in small quantities. It is strange though - I know multiple people in IN who drink/buy it. Actually one of the girls sells it (actually raise the cattle for the sale of raw milk). :) We should get some and try it out!

Leigha said...

I'm all for trying it. I've read about all the benefits of raw vs. pasteurized. I'm also curious to see how your yogurt and cheese turns out if you try to make any..sounds fun!

Kelly Koster said...

What a sweet girl helpin her Mama in the kitchen!

Gigi said...

Is my baby Aderoo still only two years old?? How adorable.. Gigi can't believe her interest in the garden and food. Grandpa and I are so proud of you!! Can't wait to see you soon!! We love you so much and little Abram too!!

South Dakota Aunt Kris said...

Doesn't my sweet lil niece have a apron???You let Auntie know and I will get one to you right away.....I will come visit and you can make me pizzza,it looks great.... Good job mamam

Lindsey said...

Another example of how you make me feel like "Mom of the year" My version of "homemade pizza" is Pillsbury crust, a can of sauce, a package of pepperoni and a bag of cheese from walmart! Lol If you weren't my best friend, I might hate you :) lol

Anonymous said...

Looks good! Nice job Adi! Can't wait to see you so you can make a pizza for us...except Auntie Caitlin doesn't want any cheese. ;)