To have two hands: I had no idea how much I used my left thumb - but let me tell you what, I used it, ALL THE TIME. As strange as the first may sound, I really miss not changing my babies diaper on my own, giving my kids a bath, and cutting food for meals and snacks. I am beyond ready to get my thumb back in motion, but I am trying to keep in mind that it is going to be a long process, and that is ok. I have always thought about how thankful I was for my health, but until something is really taken away there is no way to truly grasp just how thankful you really are.
The convenience of a car: You walk everywhere over here. While it might sound like I am complaining, I really do love how much we have been able to get out into this (now) beautiful weather and take in all of God's glorious creations. Since we have a college sized mini fridge we go buy water daily. After I got Abe down for his afternoon nap I realized we were out of water again. So, I headed down to the convenient store with my bag in toe to pick up some more water for the next 24 hours or so. On my way to the store it made me think of all the people in third world countries who walk days for not-so-clean water, that causes them to get sick. How lucky am I to have two good feet to carry me to the store everyday to get good clean water?! LUCKY!
To have family who loves us so much: Our parents have been so kind and generous to come half way across the world to help us during this time of need. They all adjusted schedules, missed out on pre-planned trips, and basically dropped what they had going on back home to come and help us out! We love you guys - thank you, thank you, thank you!
God has used this situation to really make me step back and appreciate so many different things. What are you appreciative of today?
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
3 days ago
It definitely puts things into perspective! I am so glad that you have family to be there and help you out. I am so impressed (with your other post) that Adi can count in Japanese. This is such a great cultural experience for her!
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