I'll start by saying it is a GIRL. Bran and I had our ultra sound today and they measured everything (heart, organs, legs, arms, mouth, and so on). The conclusion was that we have a perfect little girl. It was truly amazing to see such a precious little baby that is already so well developed. I feel blessed and so incredibly happy to be given such a WONDERFUL gift! Bran is very excited and says he is going to be so lucky to be surrounded by such lovely ladies (lol).
She is quite active already and just like her mother loves to eat!!! After I eat it is like a little party inside. I have to say she just might be quite the little rocker like her father. We were jamming out the other day in the car and she was going crazy - dancing I'm sure!! I am so excited to finally get to start shopping. Those of you that voted girl were right; we're thrilled and couldn't resist sharing it with the rest of you!! Here are some pics...
Kind of obscure to me...but the tech was 100% certain!
Side profile
3-D pic looks a little funny this early on
(and the umbilical cord was in front of her face).
She looks nice and snug!
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
3 days ago
yea!! congrats! little girls are so much fun :)
Oh my, we are so excited for you both and can't wait to spoil this little girl! Ashley is beyond excited to have a little girlfriend to share her life and experiences with!
Little girls are an amazing blessing and to watch the connection between daddy and baby will truly take your breath away!
We are beyond excited for you and can't wait to watch her grow into a smart and talented young lady! She's got beautiful parents, so we know she'll be gorgeous!
God has totally blessed your lives and you are both going to be amazing parents! Sleep now and enjoy every minute with her, it goes faster than you can expect! Can you believe mine is 6months?!
Talk to you soon, love you 3!
Kevin, Nicole and Ashley
I knew it was a girl from the start!! I can't wait to meet my little neice-- her aunty is going to spoil her very much!
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