Thursday, March 12, 2009

Kaizen Your Process - Cost Savings

Since I am home on bed rest right now I have TONS of time to think of ways to save money, things to do before the baby is born, and all the things I need to deep clean before she arrives (I think I might be nesting a bit). By the way for those of you that don't know; the baby is doing GREAT, but there is something a little corky with my anatomy (go figure) that has caused me to be on bed rest until we see the perinatologist again on Monday. Today's post will be some ideas I have gotten from other people and some of my own to help cut cost right now:

Make my own cleaning products (I always used just the basics, but found out that you can add essential oils to make everything smell a little better):

  • All purpose cleaner: 1 part vinegar to 1 part water and 8 drops of lemon essential oil (use in spray bottle)
  • Toilet cleaner: Sprinkle baking soda around the edge of the toilet bowl and then add 1 Cup of vinegar. It foams up then just scrub as usual.
  • Floor cleaner: 2 parts water to 1 part vinegar. And mop away!
  • Glass cleaner: Piece of crunched up newspaper, pour a small amount of rubbing alcohol and clean mirrors or any glass surface…..Works GREAT!!
  • Removing Hairspray Residue (this is a new one I've found, but haven't tried yet)
    You can use this formula to remove hair spray residue from any hard surface -- vanities, tile, floors, walls, etc. Mix a solution of 1/3 liquid fabric softener and 2/3 water in a spray bottle. Spray on the surface to be cleaned, and wipe. Not only does it remove hair spray, it also acts as a dust repellent and shines vanities beautifully.
Well that is all for today tomorrow I will be posting a list of idea "to do" items to prep for our arrival...All you moms out there will have to let me know what other things I am forgetting!

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