10 Month Stats:
Height - 26 inches
Weight - 16.6 lbs (1.6 lb gain - YIPEEE)
Head Circumference - ?
Sleep - Adi's sleep routine is still going great for now. Still down at 8 at the latest and up for the day about 7. I think I am going to drop off the early morning feeding soon. I am a little resistant to do it (I think it is starting to make me a little sad that the nursing will be over - SHOCKING I know).
Milestone - A big milestone for us is that we are down to only two nursings a day; early morning and before bed. Our baby is getting so big. She is cruising all over the place and in the last couple days she is trying to stand on her own without holding onto anything. I have a feeling she will be walking soon. She can walk with her little car. She is eating wonderfully. Breakfast is by far her best meal of the day. She eats a TON. Lunch is also great, but by dinner she is just worn out from the day and doesn't eat very well. I am thinking about trying a earlier dinner and a late snack. She is taking two naps a day (10 am and 2:30 pm). They usually last about an hour.
This little girl is just CRAZY! Her personality is extremely wild and cute. We are having so much fun with her now! It just amazes me how much she is understanding. We can hear the train from our house and Adi LOVES it. When we hear it we ask her, "What does the choo choo train say" and she says, "whooo whoooo". It is adorable!! I am planning her 1st birthday party right now and I just can't believe it!!! We are so blessed to have a little spitfire for a daughter!!
Happy Birthday Branner!!!
We hope you had a wonderful day and can't wait for our trip to Nashville this weekend!!!
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
3 days ago
These photos are TOO CUTE! Can't believe how quickly our little girls are growing up. Happy birthday from all of us, Brandon! We miss you guys lots and lots!
Happy B Day Brannndinnii.
That cake looks amazing! Is it ice cream cake?
Happy B-Day Brandon , Just let little Adi know "the whistles Go Whoo,Whooo but its only in the mornin' time"
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