36 weeks...oh my goodness I can't believe we are already here! Everything is going great, and we definitely feel ready for Adi to grace us with her presence. I feel like our house is in order and all of Adison's things are all ready to go as well.
We have the bag packed and are now just playing the waiting game. I am going to the doctor every week and it sounds like we are making progress. We get to have an ultra sound on Thursday and I am so excited to see her again. It has been so long since we have had one and I just can't wait to check up on her and catch one more glimpse of her before she is here with us. We will be sure to let everyone know when the big day arrives - If you think of it please pray that everything goes well and that we all remain healthy!!!!
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
3 days ago
Little Alison:
You look like your day is drawing near!! You look so cute!! I am glad that I can see your progress on-line. Soon the big day will be here. I can't wait!!
Best wishes and don't worry I will pray for you that all goes perfect. Don't worry and I can't wait to see a pic of Adi. Take Care!
Glad to see how well your doing! I wondered which of my expecting friends would have their own little "firecracker" this weekend! Take care!
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