We had our growth ultra sound this afternoon and she looks great and has great movement, but she is a little small (5lbs 6 oz). This could just mean I am smaller which could mean that she would just be a smaller baby, but it could also mean that my placenta is not working as well at this point. So the solution is: 1) 7/17 we will go in and they will strip my membranes which would naturally put me into labor if my body is ready OR 2) If there is no labor by 7/19 we will be admitted to the hospital at 6:00 am on Sunday morning and I will be induced.
Either way we are only 9 days away from having her here with us and that is very exciting. If you could just keep us in your prayers 7/17 through 7/19. We will be sure to send pictures when she is born!!! Bran and I have 1 week to get everything around the house in order and prepare for her arrival!
Hope you are all doing great and enjoying the summer (especially our work friends who are off for shut down - have a GREAT week off)!
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
3 days ago
Best wishes Alison to you and your family. I've enjoyed seeing your progress on the blog. In fact I told April the other day that your pregnancy just flew by, but I'm sure not so fast for you. I can't believe it is time for Adi to arrive. I'll keep you in my prayers and look forward to more blogs and pictures. You look cute!
Like I have said from the beginning JULY 16 at 3:30 Pm AZ time
You will see !!!
I can't wait to be there!! See you Saturday.
I will be thinking of all of you. God Bless! Can't wait to see a pic of your little angel/miracle!
Your bundle of joy is almost here - so exciting! I will be thinking of you guys this whole week!!!! Lots of LUV from AZ - can't wait to see her!
Baby Adison:
Please wait to enter this world until Sunday July19th!! Your loving grandmothers want to be there to celebrate your arrival!!
We are counting the days until we meet!! We love you!!!
Grandma Koster
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