Tuesday, September 4, 2012

1 year old!!

12 month stats:
Height - 33 inches
Weight - about 23 lbs 

Health - This has been a GREAT month for Abram.  He hasn't been sick!!!  He got two new teeth and was pretty cranky for a few days about they're through now.  I'm happy to say this is a short section this month and I hope it continues that way. 

Sleep - This little guy is going to bed about 6:30 and is up for the day at 5:30.  He is still taking two naps a day totally about 3 hours of sleep.  Just today he was very resistant to take his morning nap, so I'm wondering if we are starting to transition into the one nap a day in the next month.

Eating - This boy AMAZES me.  He literally eats TONS of food.  He can eat the same portion of food that I do, and he does.  I am still giving him a bottle at night, and I know I need to cut it out, but I love it and so does he. :)  I'm sure we'll transition out of this when I'm ready.  I introduced peanut butter and fish this week and he loved both and had no reaction.

I can't believe our baby will be turning 1 on Friday (in America that is).  I think it is going to get pushed ahead even soon since he is turning 1 somewhere over the Pacific Ocean.  There are multiple reasons why I just LOVE this little guy.  Here are a few:
-I LOVE how he lets me snuggle him for about 30 minutes after he wakes up.  He lays his little head on my chest and periodically lifts it up to give me a dreamy little smile!
-He is an amazing little dancer! :)
-I don't have to worry about him finishing his meals.
-He loves his sissy.
-He loves to wave at anyone during dinner.
-He is so happy, he has a beautiful little gentle spirit, but is definitely all boy.  He bangs on everything, grunts, and loves to eat rocks and dirt.  
I'm a walkin little man!

Rocks are so yummy!

Entertained himself by banging a cup for about 5 mins.

Really has had more of an interested in books lately! :)

Pig face just like mommy used to do.  Darn teeth!

Lovin his comfy chair - thx Grammy & Grandpa KC

Adi taking him for a little walk - aka: dragging him around.

LOVES his paci and so do I right now! :)

We are so blessed to be parents to this amazing little boy.  I know God has great things planned for him!  A very happy birthday to you buddy!!!!

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Lindsey said...

What a cute kid!! happy birthday big boy!! :) we love you!

Leigha said...

Happy birthday Abram! You are such a sweet boy! I can't wait to see how you grow and change over the next year!

Kelly Koster said...

Happy Birthday little man!! Aunt Kiki loves you!