I have been both excited and a bit anxious for our trip to Japan for months now. But, about a month ago I started praying that God would use this experience to move in me in such a way that it would be clear it was directly from Him! I wanted this trip to be life changing for me, in a way that would draw me nearer to Him. Even though we haven't even hit our one week mark God has answered my prayer!
In the last year I have realized that I spend too much time choosing fear over faith. In my head I know that God is in control, but my human nature sneaks in and tries to take the reigns. In my own self centered way I prayed daily for my experiences while in Japan. In the back of my mind I thought of many different scenarios in which God might reveal to me a lesson on being worried or scared. Here are some of the great situations I thought might happen: I thought the kids and I would get on the wrong train and end up on the other end of the city without a clue how to get back to our apartment. I thought maybe Abe would get another ear infection or some other bizarre-o illness! Or maybe I would get stuck with a basket full of groceries without a clue how much to pay. The last thing I thought was that God would use my greatest fear in the entire world, drop me in a country where I don't speak the language, and allow me to truly experience FAITH! I have never had a major surgery and was foolish enough to think I never would.
The last 6 days in Japan have been a true test of my faith! God has strengthened me and has held me close every step of the way. Each day has provided more and more evidence that God is in control. I have held Isaiah 41:10 tightly in my hand and haven't let go.
"Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God,
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
My heart is joyful that I have been lucky enough to truly experience what it means to have faith. So, I give God all the glory in the midst of this storm.
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
3 days ago
Love this post!! God is good my friend! :)
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