Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Our weekend trip to Osaka was wonderful! A lot of pictures not a lot of words since I am a one handed mamma! Enjoy!

First trip on the Shincansen!

We had a traditional Japanese lunch, which was very tasty!

We visited the aquarium!

Brandon and I went out after the kids went down to the famous Dotonbori light district.  It was hopping to say the least.  We ate famous octopus balls (Bran will have to comment on the name - I forgot) and delicious ramen!

They are serious about their hygiene! You would have thought Adi jumped into the pool naked. The pool man insisted she wear a swim cap!

The shopping here is Out Of Control! Miles and miles of shopping everywhere you go.

They had a bullet train activity area. Adi had a blast and even won her own little bullet train.  The Japanese love our little cuties!

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Lindsey said...

How fun!! Looks like your weekends are a blast! I don't know if I would be able to eat there are brave! Miss you all!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! Looks like you guys are really enjoying yourself. We love you all!

Leigha said...

Those aquarium pictures are awesome! Adi looks like she is having so much fun!