Monday, September 17, 2012

Settling in!

So I had planned to do a quick post daily, but posting hasn't been a huge priority. We are ten days in and things are going great. They're going different then I expected, but none the less great! We are getting into a bit of a routine which is always nice for me and the kids.  I've also gotten into a routine with my rehabilitation. I'm going to be going to the hospital every Tuesday for now.  My wound looked OK today, but not healed enough to remove the stitches!  I was so grateful to have that itchy thing off for even a few minutes.

We spent the weekend in Nagoya and were really able to see quite a bit. We went to the science museum which was extremely interactive and very impressive.  We also saw Sakae - which is a huge shopping district.  But, the place I was probably most excited to visit was a little organic farm that is only a couple mile walk from our apartment.  The produce here is amazingly fresh and huge!  They have cows, sheep, chickens and pigs.  The gardens are pristine and it delighted me so to be surrounded by such a familiar setting!  Below are a few pics from Bran's phone!

I am hoping to post daily but they will be short because it takes forever to type right now!  Hope everyone else is doing wonderfully!

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Jennifer said...

Love seeing these pics, love hearing about your adventures. So happy you are all doing well. Miss you and sending all our love!