Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Eve

In keeping with a Christmas tradition, Knick-knack left new Christmas jammies on the door step that evening.  Adi thinks this is so fun.  Abe is still to young to get any of it as you can see on the second picture down.  :)

Brandon read the Christmas story to us after bath time.  Abram was a bit antsy, but Adi enjoyed sitting down and listening to Brandon read the story.  The is a great new tradition we started this year now that Adi is old enough to listen and enjoy.  As the kids get older we want nothing more then for them to understand the true meaning of Christmas and just how lucky we are that our Lord and Savior came to earth for all of us.  I was so pleased when Adi ran out of her room Christmas morning and shouted, "Good morning Jesus and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

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Leigha said...

Ahhh! Cuteness overload! :)