My dad was here for the weekend, and we all had a great time hanging out. My dad was lucky enough to participate in the decorating of the golf cart. It was my dad's idea to have Rudolph pulling the cart. Adi had fun helping decorate Rudolph! The kids had a great time playing outside while we worked on the cart.
It was a bit of a drizzly night, but at least it wasn't terribly cold. The parade has gotten bigger and bigger each year. It is so much fun to do something Christmasy like this in our little town.
Shanny, Adi, and myself
Grandpa Randy as Buddy the Elf.
Earlier in the day we went over to New Harmony for some other Christmas festivities.
It was a fun trip with dad, and a great way to celebrate the start of the Christmas season.
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
2 days ago
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