Sunday, January 29, 2012

The start of WONDERFUL conversations

I was getting ready to take Adison to bed tonight when she looked up at me and had this sweet little conversation with me.

Adi - We're going to go to heaven to sing Happy Birthday to baby Jesus.
Me - Really, that's nice.
Adi - Is it warm or cold in heaven?
Me - The weather is perfect in heaven.
Adi - When are we going to go to heaven?
Me - When Jesus calls us there.
Adi - I'm going to call him and tell him when we're coming, where's my purple phone?

I look forward to many more conversations like this. I love it that our two year old is already talking about the Lord (in her own two year old way).

Saturday, January 28, 2012

They get big so fast!

I honestly can't believe how quickly Abram is changing. He is rolling all over the place, becoming more and more interactive, and is showing very early signs of an eagerness to crawl. I have to admit being a new mom with Adi was hard. I was nervous and felt like I was doing everything wrong. The second time around has been a totally different experience. I am so much more relaxed, and while I have my moments throughout the day, I really am taking much more time to stop and listen, play, and love on my kiddos. Here are a couple pictures of this sweet, growing little guy.

We got a car lover already (this made Bran pretty excited when he came out in the living room yesterday). Adi wasn't so nuts about him playing with her cars.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

2012 Spring Grow List

I'm getting a bit of a late start to my growing/planning this year, but there is still plenty of time to get my little seedlings growing. There is nothing better then catching a glimpse of the warmer weather every time I step out into our garage and see my growing plants in the dead of winter.

24 Tomato Plants
16 Spinach Squares
6 Swiss Chard Squares
2 Arugula Squares
8 Pole Bean Squares
8 Carrot Squares
8 Pepper Squares
8 Onion Squares
8 Sugar Snap Squares
4 Basil Plants
4 Radish Squares
12 Soy Bean Squares
4 Cucumber Squares
4 Dill Plants
1 Cilantro
1 Thyme
1 Rosemary
1 Mint

9 Open Squares - I like to save some squares for the wonderful Master Gardener's Spring Sale!
Happy Growing :)

Saturday, January 21, 2012


It has been pretty cold and nasty here lately. I really am not a big fan of winter! We are pretty lazy in the mornings around here. We eat a leisurely breakfast, lounge in our pj's, and basically take a while to get moving. When I take off Abe's pj's he squeals in delight. My kids just love being naked. I can't help but take pictures of this sweet little thing!

Adi has been more and more interested in her letters. I am working with her little-by-little. She can recognize A, C, D, and O. I know this is just a crazy mom thing to do, but here a little picture of all her "O's". I was pretty impressed, but I'm pretty sure I'm probably alone here. She has always had a love for the letter "O" check out this post back here.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Adi's first movie!

Yesterday I took Adison to see her first movie. We saw Beauty and the Beast in 3D. She was so excited to go to the movie with her good friend Olivia. I think she was even more excited that we went to get candy for the movie first. She was squealing and yelling going to the movies, going to the movies. I love how spunky that little thing is! We almost made it through the entire movie. We left about 15 minutes shy of the end because it was time for Abe to eat and she was getting VERY antsy anyway. I can't believe what a big girl she is becoming. This is totally unrelated, but she went to bed tonight without a diaper. She has been waking every night once or twice to go potty. She is definitely ready to go through the night without a diaper. Movie theater for the first time, completely potty trained, our little girl is growing up so fast.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Abram is 4 months

Height - 25.5 inches (69th percentile)
Weight - 14 lbs 4 oz (33rd percentile) - if he is in the 33rd I can't imagine what a baby in the 99th looks like!

Sleep - I am laying him down about 7:30 or 8:00pm in his crib for bed. He stays swaddled up until about 12:30am for his first night feeding. Then I am up every 3 hours until the morning. Except for the last few weeks, it has been more like ever 2 hours. The accomplishment this month is that he is out of the swing and I have packed up the swing. Abe is just getting a little too big for it and it's best to take it away all together in my book. Me and my kids seem to have a bit of an addiction when it comes to the swing. :)

Eating - This boy is a good little eater. He has really become a pretty fast nurser and still gladly takes a bottle when I give him one (maybe once a month). I honestly think he would take straight formula if I needed him to. He doesn't seem to mind what it is - he just likes to eat. I am nursing him about every 3 hours on average.

Milestone - Just in the last two days he has started to bring his feet up to his face and tip side to side. I think he might be starting to be a little more interested in trying to roll over. He is such a happy little baby and now has the most amazingly adorable little belly laugh. I haven't caught it on video yet but I am trying. I'll post a video if I can get one. He also had his first over night trip to Nashville this month. He slept great there and was an excellent little traveler. My heart just melts when those sweet (blue I think) eyes look up at me and give me his terrific little smile. You're so much fun Abram and we just love you to pieces!!!

It was hard to get a picture without his hands in his mouth or a massive amount of drool on the shirt. I can't wait for those teeth to pop through!

I pulled out the pumperoo today - HE LOVES IT (and so do I :)

He's been a bit crabier then normal during the other day and I couldn't get him to sleep. He finally fell asleep on me, so I gently laid him in the chair and brought veggies out into the living room to cut for dinner. You gotta do what you gotta do some of the time. I know this isn't very safe, but I was sitting right there.

Friday, January 6, 2012


We have spent this week getting back into the groove. Having Brandon at home with us was beyond wonderful. We have had some unusually nice weather which makes me oh so happy. Here are some random pictures from the last week or so...

I miss the AZ sunsets so so so much. I looked out the window the other night when we were eating dinner and thought the sky looked beautiful. I had to go snap a quick pic of God's beautifully painted sky.

Since the weather has been pretty nice we have bundled Adi up a few times and let her go outside and play. That girl really does love her little four wheeler!

Can we say fort building. Brandon has built a SERIOUS fort with Adi a couple of the nights. I LOVED building forts as a little girl, but we rarely flipped over all the living room furniture to make one.

Look at my ADORABLE little baby and his cute froggy hat (thanks Grammy).

Who needs a pet cat when you can play with one through the window every night. Adi has dubbed our cat Peaka-paw. This little cat comes every night before dinner and plays with us through Abram's window. Peaka-paw ever was lucky enough to get serenaded this particular evening with Adi's new microphone.

I love nothing more then staying home with our two amazing kids. I feel so lucky to be such an active part of their growing up!!!