Yesterday I took Adison to see her first movie. We saw Beauty and the Beast in 3D. She was so excited to go to the movie with her good friend Olivia. I think she was even more excited that we went to get candy for the movie first. She was squealing and yelling going to the movies, going to the movies. I love how spunky that little thing is! We almost made it through the entire movie. We left about 15 minutes shy of the end because it was time for Abe to eat and she was getting VERY antsy anyway. I can't believe what a big girl she is becoming. This is totally unrelated, but she went to bed tonight without a diaper. She has been waking every night once or twice to go potty. She is definitely ready to go through the night without a diaper. Movie theater for the first time, completely potty trained, our little girl is growing up so fast.
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
3 days ago
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