Sunday, January 29, 2012

The start of WONDERFUL conversations

I was getting ready to take Adison to bed tonight when she looked up at me and had this sweet little conversation with me.

Adi - We're going to go to heaven to sing Happy Birthday to baby Jesus.
Me - Really, that's nice.
Adi - Is it warm or cold in heaven?
Me - The weather is perfect in heaven.
Adi - When are we going to go to heaven?
Me - When Jesus calls us there.
Adi - I'm going to call him and tell him when we're coming, where's my purple phone?

I look forward to many more conversations like this. I love it that our two year old is already talking about the Lord (in her own two year old way).

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Partusch family said...

Can you imagine our girls talking about Jesus?! That would be an awesome conversation to overhear! haha

I love that Adi is ready to go home to Jesus, aren't we all kiddo! :)

Such a smart girl and such an amazing mama! Love you Ali!

Lindsey said...

LOVE IT! Those Heaven conversations are the best!

Leigha said...

So sweet. :)