It has been pretty cold and nasty here lately. I really am not a big fan of winter! We are pretty lazy in the mornings around here. We eat a leisurely breakfast, lounge in our pj's, and basically take a while to get moving. When I take off Abe's pj's he squeals in delight. My kids just love being naked. I can't help but take pictures of this sweet little thing!
Adi has been more and more interested in her letters. I am working with her little-by-little. She can recognize A, C, D, and O. I know this is just a crazy mom thing to do, but here a little picture of all her "O's". I was pretty impressed, but I'm pretty sure I'm probably alone here. She has always had a love for the letter "O" check out this post back here.
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
3 days ago
She is such a talented young girl! Seriously.. Liv was must older when she started recognizing letters (Or maybe you are just a better mom!) :)
I miss Adi and Abram!! They are too cute. Hope to see them sometime soon.
What beautiful babies. :) I can't wait to see them again. Tell Adi thank you for her amazing signature in my birthday card. It made my day!
Adi, she is so smart and you are doing a great job with them both! Her O's look great and such girly flair too! LOVE IT
Ash has learned a ton of letter recognition and sounds from a few Leap Frog videos (walmart carries them) we've gotten her the last few years. We watch one in the morning after breakfast and then go and do some preschool learning time, it has really helped her and she loves them!
I miss you and wish we were closer so we could "co-teach/parent" our kiddos! :)
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