We have spent this week getting back into the groove. Having Brandon at home with us was beyond wonderful. We have had some unusually nice weather which makes me oh so happy. Here are some random pictures from the last week or so...
I miss the AZ sunsets so so so much. I looked out the window the other night when we were eating dinner and thought the sky looked beautiful. I had to go snap a quick pic of God's beautifully painted sky.
Since the weather has been pretty nice we have bundled Adi up a few times and let her go outside and play. That girl really does love her little four wheeler!
Can we say fort building. Brandon has built a SERIOUS fort with Adi a couple of the nights. I LOVED building forts as a little girl, but we rarely flipped over all the living room furniture to make one.
Look at my ADORABLE little baby and his cute froggy hat (thanks Grammy).
Who needs a pet cat when you can play with one through the window every night. Adi has dubbed our cat Peaka-paw. This little cat comes every night before dinner and plays with us through Abram's window. Peaka-paw ever was lucky enough to get serenaded this particular evening with Adi's new microphone.
I love nothing more then staying home with our two amazing kids. I feel so lucky to be such an active part of their growing up!!!
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
3 days ago
Ahhh the memories of building forts as a kid. We loved doing that! Glad Adder is enjoying it too. :)
You are such a great mama, I wish I was closer so we could enjoy staying home together! You and Brandon have done such an amazing job with your family, happy, healthy kiddos, nothing more important than that! :)
Love and miss you! :)
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