Height - 25.5 inches (69th percentile)
Weight - 14 lbs 4 oz (33rd percentile) - if he is in the 33rd I can't imagine what a baby in the 99th looks like!
Sleep - I am laying him down about 7:30 or 8:00pm in his crib for bed. He stays swaddled up until about 12:30am for his first night feeding. Then I am up every 3 hours until the morning. Except for the last few weeks, it has been more like ever 2 hours. The accomplishment this month is that he is out of the swing and I have packed up the swing. Abe is just getting a little too big for it and it's best to take it away all together in my book. Me and my kids seem to have a bit of an addiction when it comes to the swing. :)
Eating - This boy is a good little eater. He has really become a pretty fast nurser and still gladly takes a bottle when I give him one (maybe once a month). I honestly think he would take straight formula if I needed him to. He doesn't seem to mind what it is - he just likes to eat. I am nursing him about every 3 hours on average.
Milestone - Just in the last two days he has started to bring his feet up to his face and tip side to side. I think he might be starting to be a little more interested in trying to roll over. He is such a happy little baby and now has the most amazingly adorable little belly laugh. I haven't caught it on video yet but I am trying. I'll post a video if I can get one. He also had his first over night trip to Nashville this month. He slept great there and was an excellent little traveler. My heart just melts when those sweet (blue I think) eyes look up at me and give me his terrific little smile. You're so much fun Abram and we just love you to pieces!!!
It was hard to get a picture without his hands in his mouth or a massive amount of drool on the shirt. I can't wait for those teeth to pop through!
I pulled out the pumperoo today - HE LOVES IT (and so do I :)
He's been a bit crabier then normal during the other day and I couldn't get him to sleep. He finally fell asleep on me, so I gently laid him in the chair and brought veggies out into the living room to cut for dinner. You gotta do what you gotta do some of the time. I know this isn't very safe, but I was sitting right there.
Chocolate Raspberry Muffins
3 days ago
What a cutie!!! Don't those smiles melt your heart?? We have the same jumperoo! I dread the day our boys outgrow it!!
His smile is the best.I am anxious to meet the lil guy.Will adison help u or play with him?Soooo cute.
AW! He does love the Jumperoo! So sweet! Love the pictures of him. He's very photogenic!
Can't wait to meet this little guy in less then 2 months!!!
He is such a handsome boy! Hope all is well and we hope we get to see you guys soon! Give our niece and nephew love from us! :)
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